Thursday, November 28, 2019

102 Proposal and 2BR02B Professor Ramos Blog

102 Proposal and 2BR02B Quick Write Quick Write What is a problem, local, personal, or national, that you would like to write about? Come up with a few. Proposal Intro Lets go over the  proposal prompt  for the first essay. Brainstorming Lets come up with a big list of problems we can possibly write about. 2BR02B Solution The proposal asks that we define a problem and come up with a solution that we can implement to the problem. It is important in critical thinking to think thought the decisions. If you come up with a solution, you have to think of the implications it will have. Will it lead to problems in the future? While we may not be able to predict with certainty if it will cause problems, we can think through it and anticipate some possible negative outcomes. Obstacles to Critical Thinking The topic is too controversial. The topic hits â€Å"too close to home.† Personal experience with topic. The topic disgusts you. Begin Research Begin researching the problem you are thinking of writing about. Find at least one source to use for your first essay that helps you to define the problem. Do not assume that the problem is real! Question your assumptions and find proof from a reliable source.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Essential Gear for Boarding School

Essential Gear for Boarding School Youre off to boarding school. What a great adventure! Yes, it is kind of scary leaving your own home and moving into a strange place. But think of it this way: its all going to be new, different and exciting! And you are doing this before most kids do since most kids leave home for the first time when they go to college. So, what should you bring from home? Well, the school will provide you with a very detailed list of items they want you to bring, and we have a list of essential items for you here. Make sure you have all that stuff. But what else might you need? Check out this list of boarding school gear that will help make your experience even better. 1. Music Most students just cannot live without their tunes. If youre the same way, make sure to load up your iTunes list with the latest music or get a subscription to Pandora, Spotify or another music service. Dont forget to pack whatever  charger you need or even some portable  speakers. An extra set of earbuds couldnt hurt, as well as a set of nice noise canceling headphones. You never know when theres going to be a loud night on dorm and you want to get some homework done or head to bed early, and escaping with your favorite music can be exactly what you need. Bring whatever patch cables you need to hook it all up, too. 2. Laptop and Printer The school will probably specify the kind of laptop you need to bring. It may even be part of your first yearbook fees. In any case, you will need your laptop together with any essential CDs such as the operating system/restore disk, your anti-virus software, etc. A multi-function printer is worth its weight in gold. A USB hub will be useful to connect all your peripherals. Make sure you have all the required dongles and cords to make everything connect, and you might even consider purchasing an extra charger. That way, you can leave one charger in your dorm room and leave one in your bag just in case.   3. Sports Equipment Skates, skis, soccer cleats, golf clubs, tennis and squash racquets, swim goggles, saddle, riding crop and boots. Any of all of these items could be on your list depending on the season and the location of your school. It doesnt all have to come with you; you can always order things online and have them delivered to campus. Or, just make sure you have the sports equipment you need for the fall semester. You can pick up the rest when you go home for breaks and holidays. 4. Cellphone While there will be rules about when and where you can use your cell phone, you will need it. Make sure your service plan allows for unlimited texting and nationwide calling. Dont forget the charger and maybe bring a few. You might consider purchasing an external charger to keep you powered as you go along. A good case can also protect your phone against cracking and chipping.   5. Credit and ATM Card Most schools will give you an opportunity to get an account set up with a local bank, if you need one, which will provide you with an ATM card. Your school may also provide a campus purchasing plan through a one-card system or similar set up. But, you may also want to consider having a separate  credit card for those unexpected emergencies. Use it sparingly for casual purchases only, and make sure you and your parents have a clear understanding about how much you can spend per month. Have an ATM card as well. To prevent fraud have your parents keep a nominal amount in the account the ATM card draws against. They can always add more funds as necessary.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Identify misrepresentation in mathematic problems Essay

Identify misrepresentation in mathematic problems - Essay Example The Federal Trade Commission issued guidelines in October 2009 which regulates advertisers of various products on the use of ambiguous words phrases and statements for the benefit of sales. So the use of the phrase â€Å"these results are not typical† particularly for diet advertisements is not allowed unless they also state the typical results the buyers may expect. 18. The statement made in an article in USA Weekend only provided findings in the instance of drinking 9 cups of coffee a day. It does not have sufficient information and evidence that a single drop or even just a cup of coffee would significantly increase the levels of homocysteine in the body. that promotes artery clogging†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The sentence is not constructed in the most recommended form in the rules of grammar. â€Å"More serious† is used as a noun and a subject for the whole statement. Having grammatical errors and slips affects the credibility of a statement. The article should also provide more information of the methodology used in the study and how many patients were studied. There have been a lot of researches conducted elsewhere in the world that have defied some rules of objectivity and have packed with a terrible dose of statistical sampling

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Importance Of Play For Childrens Development Essay

The Importance Of Play For Childrens Development - Essay Example The brain development of a child is significantly influenced by the physical exercises the child has and the genetics though many studies do not collaborate this finding. The architecture of a brain of a child depends on different interactions in life and play is a significant factor that every researcher agrees to in reference to its development (Small, 1999). There have been several debates on what exactly contributes to the shaping of a child’s brain whether it’s the genetics only or by experience or they both contribute. Many kinds of research show that both the genetics of a child and experience mainly from play contribute to the development of a child’s brain putting to rest the debate on what really plays the important factors in the brains growth. The child’s early experiences and most have their experiences benchmarked on their plays; have an emotional impact on their brain development whether they were nurtured positively or negatively. The experiences act as the building blocks in the child’s brain meaning that the play a role in determining the brain architecture of the child in reference to their behavioral activities in their future life, their learning approaches and more their well being (Arnold, 2014). Most scientists argue that children must be brought under the right and positive experiences in their tender age to enable their brains architecture to develop for a future better life that is less stressful, more efficient and less expensive to deal with interacting with other people.

Monday, November 18, 2019

MOVE Philadelphia Bombing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 2

MOVE Philadelphia Bombing - Research Paper Example in the world, and the means through which these are reported, ultimately have a profound and lasting impact with regards to the awareness of society, understanding of class, differentiation of race, and ultimate understanding of self worth. As such, the impact that the news media has with regards to helping an individual understand each of these complex interpersonal and societal dynamics is profound. Due to the unique history that the United States has thus far exhibited, a unique current of racial tension and undercurrent of strife exists at almost every level of society. This is partly due to the fact that racial perceptions of African-Americans and black activism’s are inherently stronger as compared to those that exist within white communities and individuals. The MOVE bombing in Philadelphia shows the disparity in treatment of black activists, both for their tactics and the representation. In the aftermath of the MOVE bombing, those responsible downplay the racial undert ones of the decision to bomb the activist; however, scholars and researchers note the fact that even when political projects, â€Å"Overtly claim to hold colorblind views, (they) covertly manipulate racial fears in order to achieve political gains†. (Omni & Winant 58). . As a means of understanding the way in which media and society effectively redefined a particular issue as a means of making it more palatable, this particular analysis will focus upon the 1970s and 1980s with respect to activism, black militant activism, and the microcosm of understanding is that the MOVE bombing of Philadelphia can help the reader to achieve. It is the further hope of this author that such a level of understanding will be useful with regards to not only understanding the unique dynamics of societal and racial tensions that helps to define the era in question, it is also the hope of this author that the MOVE bombing will help to shed a level of light and understanding with regards to the way in which

Friday, November 15, 2019

Indirect Realism: A Plausible Theory Of Perception?

Indirect Realism: A Plausible Theory Of Perception? In this essay I am going to be examining some of the main claims made by indirect realism as well as looking at some of the fundamental problems these claims cause for the theory, such as the epistemological problem, the ontological problem, and the fact that the theory inevitably leads to solipsism. Indirect realism first arose in an attempt to resolve some of the problems faced by common sense realism, where it became apparent that the assumption that our senses almost always give us true information about the nature of the external world is implausible. Indirect realism therefore modifies the ideas presented by common sense realism, by suggesting that what we perceive directly and are immediately aware of is not the world or the objects within it, but sense data. Indirect realists are far from denying the existence of the physical world, but simply claim that the physical objects in the world cause our sense data, and that the sense data we experience represents the external world, to an extent. For example, when I see a horse, I do not perceive it directly, as common sense realism would suggest. I have no sensory contact with the horse, and what I am aware of is only a mental representation, sort of like an inner picture, of the horse. My visual experience is not directly of the horse; however indirect realism claims that it is caused by the horse. What I am aware of is the representation of the horse, which my senses produce. As Dancy explains, Indirect Realism argues that in perception people are indirectly aware of the physical worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦in virtue of a direct awareness of internal, non physical objects.  [1]  This means that although someones idea of an object may resemble the object itself, a person can only ever be aware of their idea and never the object itself. Indirect realism also seems to provide a response to the objections to common sense realism, raised but the Illusion Argument. In the instance of colour, for example, one jacket can look completely different colours when viewed in different lights. If we were to then examine the fibres of the jacket material in more detail, we would probably find them to be a variety of different colours. The way it is perceived also depends on the viewer, for example, someone who is colour-blind may see the jacket differently to someone with full colour vision. In view of this, it doesnt seem to make sense to say that the jacket is really yellow, or that its yellowness is independent of the perceiver. In an attempt to explain this kind of phenomenon, indirect realism introduces the notion of primary and secondary qualities. Primary properties resemble the real properties of the object. John Locke, describes them as being utterly inseparable from the body  [2]  and necessary for conception of it. Primary qualities exist both in the world and in sense experiences, and can be experienced by more than one sense. They are measured by physics and are qualities which the object actually has, regardless of the conditions in which it is being perceived or whether it is being perceived at all. Primary qualities include shape, size, position solidity, extension, motion and rest, and number. Locke argues that secondary qualities are nothing in the objects themselves but powers to produce various sensations in us,  [3]  and conceptually inessential. These qualities exist only in sense experiences and can only be experienced by one sense, but objects in the physical world have the power to produce these experiences in us. It may seem as though these properties are really in the objects we perceive, for example, that the yellowness is somehow part of the yellow jacket, however the yellowness that we experience is simply the objects power to produce yellow images in a normal viewer, under normal conditions. The ideas we have of secondary qualities dont resemble the actual objects but are simply a product of the kind of sensory system that we have. Secondary properties include colour, temperature, smell, taste and sound. One major objection to indirect realism is that it seems to make the real world unknowable. It only makes sense for us to say that A resembles B, if it is possible for us to be directly aware of both A and B, in order for us to compare the two. This creates a rather fundamental epistemological problem for indirect realism because the theory states that our sense experiences of the primary qualities of objects resemble the actual qualities of objects in the external world, however, it also states that we can never be directly aware of the external world, so we therefore have no way of checking whether our sense experiences do in fact resemble the external world at all. For example, if my sense experience of a ball is round, I have no way to check that this corresponds with the actual shape of the ball in the external world. We are entirely limited to the evidence of our senses, and since these work by means of mental representations, it seems as though we can never gain any direct inf ormation about the actual properties of the ball, or any other object in the external world. Indirect realism has also led to a problem related to what is known as the veil of perception, which refers to things that are seen indirectly, and not as they are in themselves. This is because there is a veil that we cannot penetrate, because the things that are being perceived (in this case, objects in the external world) exist independent of sensation. This creates a rather fundamental ontological problem for indirect realism, because it only seems to make sense to say that A is caused by B if it is possible for us to know what B is, however the veil of perception seems to prevent us from doing this. Since we are unable to directly access any physical objects in the external world, it is possible that our sense experience could be caused by something entirely different, for example, Descartes evil demon, God, a mad scientist, the matrix, or ourselves. We have no way of getting outside of our own perception to find out what is causing our sense experiences, if there is in fact anything causing them at all. This is another serious problem for indirect realism; it can lead to solipsism, which is the belief that nothing exists beyond oneself and ones immediate experiences. It suggests that since we cannot know the external world and other minds directly, they may well not exist at all. Solipsism is argued to be philosophically absurd for two reasons; the first being the phenomenological reason, which claims that if we were the only beings that existed, we would not feel emotions such as shame, embarrassment and guilt, which require the existence of another person or being in order to have any effect. The second reason is that logically, solipsism just doesnt seem to make sense, and therefore any theory that leads to or allows for this view point, the way indirect realism does, is also argued to be absurd. In conclusion, it seems that although indirect realism does manage to overcome many of the problems faced by common sense realism, it also seems to create many more serious problems of its own. Although the theory at first seems quite plausible, the fact that it allows for solipsism makes it pretty much irredeemable. Indirect realism also fails to account for the causal relation between the external world and our sense experiences, and as we have seen through the veil of perception objection, we have no real reason to believe that our sense experience bare any resemblance to the external world at all. I think indirect realism would be much more plausible if it could offer some form of explanation of the interaction between our sense experiences and the external world. Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 Nano-material: Hydrothermal Synthesis Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 Nano-material: Hydrothermal Synthesis Title: Hydrothermal synthesis and photocatalytic application of Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 nano-material for degradation of Reactive Blue H5R dye In the proposed research work Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 nano material will be synthesized using hydrothermal technique for the degradation of reactive blue H5R dye. The chlorides of manganese, iron and zinc will be used for the synthesis of the Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 nano material. Then synthesized material will be used in water treatment for the degradation of reactive blue H5R dye through photocatalysis using visible light. The examination of the size of the particles and structural properties of the synthesized material will be carried out by using X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique and the morphology of material will be evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Particle or grain size of prepared samples of Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 nano material will be computed using the Scherer’s formula. The photo-catalytic behavior of Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 nano material will be investigated by measuring the photo degradation rate of the dye. The stability of the nano-photo catalytic material will also be investi gated by the repeated use of Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4. INTRODUCTION Synthetic dyes and different chemicals used in textile industries play significant role in environmental pollution. Some of these industrial chemicals and synthetic dyes decompose aerobically and anaerobically resulting in the formation of carcinogenic compounds (Neill et al., 1999). In the past few decades, there has been huge attention between scientists in increasing semiconductor photo-catalysts with great prospective for environmental protection applications like water disinfection (Ullah et al., 2012; Shahid et al., 2013). Most of the ferrite materials are known to show exciting photocatalytic capabilities for hydrogen or oxygen generation from water upon irradiation with visible light. Such visible light absorption properties, and their proper band edge positions with respect to redox levels essential for water splitting, are desirable for a water splitting photocatalyst to work under sunlight (Dom et al., 2014). Ferrite materials technology has now extended to a very progressive stage, in which the properties to a large extent are designed and controlled by engineers, to garb the particular function of the device. Because of their outstanding magneto-transport properties the mixed valence ferrites have involved huge scientific attention in the recent years (Ahmed and Bishay 2005). In the beginning works the ferrites were attained by soft chemistry and mechano-synthesis (Millotet al., 2007). Hydrothermal strategy is a promising synthetic method because of the low process temperature and very easy to manage the particle size. The hydrothermal procedure has several benefits over other growth methods such as the use of simple devices, catalyst-free growth, low cost, large area uniform production, environmental friendliness and less harmful (Aneesh et al., 2007). Moreover, no post-heat behavior is needed for the created nanoparticles, which makes this method extremely suitable as heat treatment might result in particle collection. (Haw et al., 2002) OBJECTIVE The objective of present research work is to produce Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 nano-sized particles by hydrothermal technique specifically for catalysis of reactive blue H5R dye. The structural properties of synthesized nano-photocatalyst will be studied by using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Photo-catalytic behavior of the Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 nanoparticles will be investigated by determining the photo degradation rate of the reactive blue H5R dye under visible light irradiation. Review of Literature Rath et al. (1999) synthesized Mn0.65Zn0.35Fe2O4 particles in nanosize (9–12nm) using metal chlorides via hydrothermal precipitation. The characterization was done with TEM, XRD, and VSM. The concentration of chloride ion and pH of precipitate played a vital role in retaining the preliminary stoichiometry of the solution of the nano-material. Whereas at low pH, incomplete precipitation of Mn was observed. Zn loss in the nano-particles at higher pH of precipitation was noted. Bujoreanu et al. (2000) investigated the structure of manganese ferrite in powder form which was prepared by co-precipitation method using MnO2 and FeSO4.7H2O. The powder material then was co-precipitated and aged at temperatures ranging from 55 to 59 oC, then washed and dried in the air at room temperature. By the addition 15% sodium hydroxide solution in the 2N cation solution the stoichiometric amounts of MnO2, FeSO4.7H2O and H2SO4 were precipitated Kosak et al. (2004) prepared nanocrystalline MnZn-ferrite with different morphology through single water-in-oil micro-emulsion comprising of n-hexanol, surfactant CTAB and an mixed metal sulfates solution. The mixture was precipitate with sodium hydroxide solution and oxidized with hydrogen peroxide. The prepared nano materials were characterized by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), BET surface analyzer, magnetometry and transmission electron microscope (TEM). Abdollahi et al. (2004) synthesized various compositions of manganese Mn doped ZnO. using precipitation method. XRD, TEM, SEM, EDX, BET techniques were used for characterization. The band gap measurement was done with UV-visible reflectance. XRD pattern showed no impurity peaks, indicating Mn-related secondary phases. The EDX showed the slightly lower amount of Mn doped on ZnO than the theoretical value and SEM showed that 1% Mn-doped ZnO well ordered morphology, homogeneous distribution of slightly lower particle size and low aggregation. Vaidyanathan et al. (2004) compared Mn0.9Zn0.1Fe2O4 synhesized through double sintering method and chemical co precipitation method in order to find the magnetic properties. The precipitated ferrites showed altered magnetic properties like magnetization (Ms), coercive field (Hc) and Curie temperature (Tc). The particles were reduced in size as compared to co-precipitated nano-sized particles. Arulmurugan et al. (2006) prepared by Mn1−xZnxFe2O4 used for ferro-fluid preparation.TG-DTA, XRD, TEM, VSM and Mossbauer spectroscopy was used for description. The ultimate approximated cation contents decided with the initial degree of substitution. The particle size and curie temperature (Tc) reduced with the rise in zinc substitution. The particles with greater zinc concentration, showed ferrimagnetic and super paramagnetic behavior at room temperature. Yimin et al. (2007) synthesized Mn1-xZnxFe2O4 using metal sulfate in aqueous ammonia. The TEM, XRPD, VSM and TGA were appled to demonstrate the material properties. The classification of the nanoparticles was evaluated and discussed. The effects of the reacting components and preparation methods on the Curie temperature, the magnetization and the size distribution of Mn Zn ferrite nanoparticles. Hejase et al. (2012) produced hyperthermia inducing agents manganese zinc iron magnetic nanoparticles. The structure was recongnized using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and a superconducting quantum interference device. The curie temperature, saturation magnetization, remnant magnetization, coercive field, and hysteresis were analyzed which showed that adapting the Mn contributed to the modification of properties of the magnetic complex. Shahid et al. (2013) synthesized high effective ZrFe2O5 nanoparticles using co-precipitation method. By (EDX) the chemical composition of nano-materials were analyzed. (FE-SEM) was used to study the morphology. The structural properties of the produced material were appraised by XRD technique. By evaluating the degradation rate of TBO dye in aqueous solution the photo-catalytic action of ZrFe2O5nano-particles was examined under visible light irradiation in the presence of ZrFe2O5nano-particles. By increasing time of exposure under visible light irradiation a steady decrease in absorption peak was noticed. As after 140 min of contact to visible light the 92% degradation effectiveness was detected. Besides, ZrFe2O5nano-photocatalyst could be recaptured and reprocessed purely. The rate of TOC elimination and TBO was decreased by only 10% and 5% respectively, afterward seven cycles of use, representing the more photo-stability of the synthesized nano-photo-catalyst material.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Family Structure in Eating Disorders Essay -- Relationships Health Pap

Family Structure in Eating Disorders We are all genetically and socially affected by our families. Families serve as the matrix of our identity. It is through interactions within the family that we develop a sense of who we are and how we fit in (Minuchin, Rosman & Baker, 1978). Parents serve as role models, providing examples for attitudes, coping skills, and eating habits, as well as setting standards for perfection, ambition and acceptance (Hall & Cohn, 1992). Many researchers claim that family dynamics are at the root of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa. The role of dysfunctional family interactions in the pathogenesis of anorexia nervosa has been given a prominent place in the research field. Evidence for a specific family constellation in this disorder, however, has been conflicting. While the majority of studies argue for a specific family interaction style, further studies must be conducted to identify distinguishing characteristics of anorexic subtypes and to determine whether these characteristics are of a causal or consequential nature (Minuchin, Rosman & Baker, 1978). Family focused treatments for anorexia nervosa have been developed based on accounts in family therapy literature of the "typical" anorexic or "psychosomatic" family (Weme & Yalom, 1996). Anorexic families may appear to have a perfect or ideal environment on the surface, but upon close observation little expression of affection or warmth is seen. Members of these families seldom take specific stands on issues, and conflict is avoided at all costs. Underlying dissatisfaction and tension is often present within the parental dyad. It has been suggested that parents of anorexic offspring put high expectations on their children to over-com... ...oanalysis and Eatiniz Disorders. Guilford Press: New York. Blinder, B.J., Chaitin, B.F., & Goldstein, R.S. (1988) The Eating Disorders. PMA Publishing: New York. Broberg, A. (1993). The anorectic family--an old-fashioned concept. Lakartidningen, 5@O 4550-4553. Hall, L., & Cohn, L. (1992). Bulimia, A Guide To Recovory Gurze Books: CA. Le Grange, D.C., & Rutherford, J. (1994). Redefining the psychosomatic family; family processes of 26 eating disorder families. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 3, 211-226. Minuchin, S., Rosman, B.L., & Baker, L. (1978). PYchosomatic Families. Harvard University Press: Mass. Weiss, L., Katzman, M., & Wolchik, S. (1985). Treating Bulimia. A Psychoeducational Approach. Pergamon Press: New York. Weme, J., & Yalom, J.D. (1996). Treating Eating Disorders. Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Swot of Emirate Group

Introduction: The Emirates Group is a highly profitable business with a turnover of approximately US$ 12 billion and over 40,000 employees. The Group comprises of Dnata, the successful Airport Ground Services and Travel Industry division, and Emirates, the Group's rapidly expanding and award winning international airline. Emirates global network now sees it flying to over 100 destinations across 6 continents, operating a modern fleet of over 130 wide-bodied aircraft.Today the Airline has orders worth over US$ 58 billion for 170 more of the latest aircraft, with plans to operate to many more destinations in the months and years ahead. Essential to our continued business success as we expand will be the ongoing employment of high quality people to join our multi-cultural team of over 150 nationalities. In addition to lifestyle and tax free salary benefits, the Emirates Group also offers professional development opportunities to help employees develop new skills and grow their careers s uccessfully. Swot AnalysisStrengths: As a competitive and globally recognized airline industry, Emirates Airline has been able to have strategic position in the global market. In fact, when Emirates Airline streamlined their business, it already had the advantage of size. With several consecutive years of multibillion profits, the company has outshined its major rival companies to become a model firm. Also, Emirates Airline’s decision to focus on diversified market and by considering and entering the cargo shipping and their customer service was a courageous one, but it has led to its current position as one of the top global brands.The firm has likewise been characterized by many analysts to have an ability to adapt to changing market conditions in order to maximize profit. Listening to and identifying with consumers has allowed Emirates Airline to construct a corporate culture that bears little resemblance to the Emirates Airline of the past. The ability to continuously ren ew and improve their service in the airline and aviation while effectively managing the needs of their target audience is the key to maintaining Emirates Airline’s leader status and the key for succeeding in having strategic position.Weaknesses: Not all of diversification and approach have been successful and this can be considered as one of the flaws or weaknesses of the company. Analysts have accused the company of focusing too much on their high-end acquisitions and diversification in spite of the risky effects of such decisions. it does not cater for a lot of places in the USA, middle class and budget travelers Opportunities: The basis for long-term competitiveness is the ability to develop continuously new generations of more advanced airline and aviation services.Therefore one of the company’s opportunities is to tap into more markets as a result of the innovations being introduced in the aviation. Localized capabilities enabling or even enhancing such co-operati on will always make a difference when it comes to first-mover advantages. The opportunity to penetrate new growth markets where internet adoption still has room to go, Leveraging Emirates Airline’s infrastructure business to get first choice and stronger position against rivals is also an opportunity.They also have the opportunity to get ahead of their rival companies, and this should be the case, since the said market is a potential sizeable source of income. The trend of considering the internet market also shows cases new opportunities for the company. Threats: Rival companies are major threats to the business. Emirates Airline, in contrast, started out in other lines of business and entered and airline capabilities of the company.The firm’s inability to keep up with innovations, or recognize its demand, creates a threat for them, a risk that they could be displaced by other industry leaders. The legal and political environment in the countries where they operate in could potentially affect the business negatively. Their apparent complacence could be used by their rival companies to their advantage, and take Emirates Airline by surprise, with the latter realizing too late that they are not the industry leader anymore

Friday, November 8, 2019

Information Systems Project Failure essays

Information Systems Project Failure essays Why do information systems projects continue to fail? An information system is a set of people, data, and procedures that work together to provide useful information (Senn, 1990, p8) Given that information systems (IS) seem to be a useful item, which have the potential to ease peoples working lives, why do they create so many problems? That is the topic of discussion for this paper. At first glance the answer seems obvious, it must be due to a technical problem with the system itself. However, after researching this topic, and I hope after you have read this paper, the answer seems quite the opposite. Although technical competence is important it is suggested that social and political situations have more to do with IS projects failure than the presence of technical ability. The basis of my argument will come from an article found in Computer Weekly (February 2002). This article concerns itself with a recent piece of research on the topic of IS failure and its causes carried out by computer Weekly and The Coverdale Organisation, a process consultancy. An IS project is just what it says, a project that builds and implements an information system. Today, when talking about IS, most of us think of computerised systems. Although there are many different types of IS, I shall be concentrating on computerised information systems (CIS) for the purpose of this paper. A CIS may be more specifically defined as: A collection of interrelated hardware and software that responds to input from the environment, processes the input to meet certain criteria objectives, and produces output that acts on the environment. (Shore, 1988, p331) In other words, a CIS consists of an input, a process and an output (Figure 1). In order to understand why IS projects fail, it is important to understand how IS are created. It is also important to keep in mind that these systems are built for a period of days, weeks an...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Coming Military essays

The Coming Military essays In changing political landscape of the 21st century and the wake of the end of the cold war the US is scrambling to invent the way wars will be fought and the protection of the United States by those who wish to harm it in the coming years. As the US struggles to harness new technology and weaponry to thwart off the changing types of risks to the United States, it is faced with critical decisions of what to expect in the coming century. The new Bush administration is making it one of its highest priorities to review and change the way the military will operate Ten years ago the US stormed across the Iraqi desert crushing Sadam Husseins armies and restoring peace in the region. The Desert Storm War might be the last ground war of its kind the U.S. military will ever fight. Instead, military experts envision future wars fought at great distances with missiles or in close terrorist style attacks. In secret, behind closed doors, Defense Secretary Donald Ruhmsfield is trying to change the way the pentagon thinks and fights tomorrows military threats. The entire U.S. military will have to become lighter but more lethal. Massive aircraft carriers could eventually be replaced by smaller faster carriers protected by an armada of sleek, newly designed warships wrapped in newly designed stealth technology to protect against missile attack. An entire new generation of transports could get troops and equipment in and out of warships faster. The air force could depend more on long-range bombers and stealth aircraft. Army infantry would be geared for more rapid response; each soldier a walking, killing machine of the future. To make that change, the military will have to make some hard choices and give up some of its more conventional weapons like the armies 70 ton Abrams tank which may be too slow for battle and traditional carrier battle groups too vulnerable to enemy missiles. ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Amarna Letters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Amarna Letters - Essay Example The development of the website targets researchers so that they can be able to address several issues associated with the study of the archaeological documents. The evaluation of the different language use is depicted in the website through the use of the various sources to develop a comprehensive understanding of the clay tables associated with Amarna. The source offers a wide range of original documents in images form, thus vital secondary sources for research on issues associated with international relations and politics. Davies, Simon. "The Persian Gulf in the 1940s and the Question of an Anglo-American Middle East,." Journal of History, 2010: 64-88. The article by Simon Davies on the influence of the western world on the Anglo Middle East helps in understanding the Intergovernmental relationships that existed within the states, before the development of the international community policies leading to the creation of the United Nation. The Middle East and Egypt had a varied appro ach in dealing with the issues of governance, education and marriages. The marriages between states were used to create harmony while developing alliances for the sake of developing international security. Such development leads to the creation of harmony within the states thereby improving the quality of international relations. Despite the changes in leadership, several issues could be addressed between the courts of the different countries and the governments. The success of the governance can be evaluated in a sincere and illustrative approach. Davies addresses the current issues affecting international relations by comparing the current government set up to the traditional set up with kings and courts Introduction The letters of Amarna are viewed as the beginning of the international relation between countries and states. The letters addressed to several states have a different meaning and understanding because they present a challenge on the various fronts. The difficulty of u nderstanding the traditional letter is based on the understanding of the traditional practices in the society. The letters target a vast range of people and country. There are over 323 letters written on stone clay tablets1. The role of Amarna letters in the establishment of international relations is the main focus of the essay. Amarna letters illustrate the role of harmony and reduced aggression between countries in order to achieve success. The letters are written in the traditional set up that will require the understanding of the traditional roles of governments to understand Amarna approach to the situation. Cohen and Vestbrook offer insight on the nature of the relationship that existed between the Pharaohs of Egypt and the rest of the society through the use of various languages and actions2. Amarna diplomatic approach shows the role of communication and the preserving of the rights of the countries when dealing with international relations. To analyze Amarna letters, severa l challenges exist that are addressed by Cohen and Vestbrook3. These challenges include the analysis and the ability to understand the various reasons for the approach. To understand the letters perfectly, scholars have evaluated the role and effect of the letter, in the international community, both in the past and the current situation. For the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Global Warming (human beings are responsible) Term Paper

Global Warming (human beings are responsible) - Term Paper Example The sun’s warmth is trapped in the atmosphere due to the continuous air pollution that ensures there is a blanket, which prevents the warmth from escaping from the atmosphere. The main purpose of this essay is to prove that humans are the main cause of global warming because of their continuous activities that pollute the environment. The essay will thus prove that the earlier assumption that the sun is responsible for global warming is a vague assumption. This is because there are no evidences unlike the many evidences on the human activities. The assumption that the sun is the main cause of global warming has been used for years by some people due to the historical changes of the earth’s climate. For the past 650,000 years, the earth has experienced about seven cycles of glacial advance and retreat, which has affected the climate. In the last 7,000 years climate has been changing in unusual way and this has been attributed to the small variations of the earth’s orbit change that has increased the amount of solar energy received by the earth (Rosser, 249). People have assumed that the increment of solar energy is the main perpetuator of global warming forgetting that the sunrays are radiated away from the earth after hitting the earth’s surface. Then, the heat escapes the atmosphere into space. This radiation ensured that temperatures are regulated by the nature. Human civilization has led to humans venturing in activities that produce carbon dioxide and other gases that act as blankets preventing the solar energy and warmth from leaving the earth’s atmosphere. The continuous trapping increased solar energy in the atmosphere is the main cause of global warming (Rosser, 256). Since mid-20th century, the climate has changed drastically. This shows that the industrial revolution that began at this time is responsible for the climatic changes that were experienced. Industrialization has hit new levels and there have been more fossil fuels burned